Bio and about me

Kate Phizackerly - August 2011

Every site one visits wants a profile so rather than have lots of short, poor profiles all over the place, I thought I would rather put my efforts into a single, comprehensive profile.  This site is a result.
In brief, my career has included:

  • Founder and editor of the Egyptological Ancient Egypt Magazine
  • Founded and ran a management/benefit consulting department
  • Pensions and general HR consulting (UK)
  • Business development, sales & marketing
  • Procurement
  • IT Director (5,ooo desktops)
  • Actuarial work
  • Equality and charity work

Personally my interests are wide-ranging: travel, Ancient Egypt, food, photography – but above all good company!  At present I am spending time with my family and in my spare time building a photographic archive and biography of the work of my late father, a highly respected northern artist and writing about Ancient Egypt in my News from the Valley of the Kings blog and elsewhere.

To email me click here or use the contact form.

I am not unique!

Although my name is uncommon, it is not unique. Indeed I have positively identified two other Kate Phizackerleys, and possibly a third. For instance there is another profile for “Kate Phizackerley” on Facebook that isn’t me and is associate with tax matters.  There is also a Kate Phizacklea, maybe two.  It’s easy to get those muddled!  To help you contact me on any other sites, I’ll put links to my profiles on other sites on the Profiles Elsewhere page.

It’s also worth remembering that my name is spelt with an ‘e’ not Kate Phizackerly without!

Photograph by Sarah Preece